Allowable Decline (AD): For investors concerned about principal protection and the original amount 'at risk' decreases as the fund's 'Notional Value' appreciates. Under the Allowable Decline parameter, you select an Allowable Decline percentage for a fund and if the ' Notional Value' (as such term is explained below) of that fund decreasesin excess of the Allowable Decline (from the highest Notional Value), your representative will be instructed to sell (redeem) all of your investment in that fund and to use the aggregate net proceeds from such sale to purchase shares of a money market fund specified by you.
Increase Desired/Allowable Decline (IDAD): For investors seeking an initial increase and then protection of the value and further growth when the increase is achieved. Under the Increase Desired / Allowable Decline parameter, you select both an Increase Desired percentage and an Allowable Decline percentage for a fund. If the Notional Value of that fund ever increases in excess of the specified Increase Desired, your representative will send you a letter advising that the Increase Desired has been achieved and your investment in the fund will then be monitored from that date with respect to the specified Allowable Decline. If the Notional Value of the fund subsequently decreases in excess of the Allowable Decline, your representative will be instructed to sell (redeem) all of your investment in that fund and to use the aggregate net proceeds from such sale to purchase shares of a money market fund specified by you. This parameter does not provide you with ' downside' protection until the Increase Desired has been achieved.
Stop Loss (SL): For investors who believe in the long-term potential of a fund and want to maintain it throughout all future volatility above the Stop Loss target. Under the Stop Loss parameter, you select a Stop Loss percentage for a fund based on the initial ' Notional Value' on the date the parameter is established. If the ' Notional Value' of the fund subsequently declines in excess of the specified Stop Loss percentage (below the initial ' Notional Value' ), your representative will be instructed to sell (redeem) all of your investment in that fund and to use the aggregate net proceeds from such sale to purchase shares of a money market fund specified by you.
Spread Allowable Decline: For investors concerned about principal protection, the original amount 'at risk' decreases as the fund appreciates and investors are also advised if the fund is performing well. Under the Spread Allowable Decline, you select both an Allowable Decline percentage and an Increase Desired percentage for a fund. If the Notional Value of that fund decreases in excess of the Allowable Decline (from the highest Notional Value), your representative will be instructed to sell (redeem) all of your investment in that fund and to use the aggregate net proceeds from such sale to purchase shares of a money market fund specified by you. If the Notional Value of the fund increases in excess of the Increase Desired, your representative will send you a letter advising that the Increase Desired has been achieved. Your investment in the fund will NOT be sold unless the Allowable Decline percentage is exceeded.
Spread Stop Loss: For investors who believe in the long-term potential of a fund and want to maintain their investment through all volatility above the Stop Loss target and also want to be advised if the fund is performing well. Under the Spread Stop Loss parameter, you select both a Stop Loss percentage and an Increase Desired percentage for a fund. If the ' Notional Value' declines in excess of the specified Stop Loss percentage (from the initial ' Notional Value' ), your representative will be instructed to sell (redeem) all of your investment in that fund. If the Notional Value of that fund increases in excess of the Increase Desired, your representative will send you a letter advising that the Increase Desired has been achieved and the Stop Loss percentage will be replaced with an Allowable Decline percentage equal to the Stop Loss percentage specified by you. If the Notional Value of the fund then decreases in excess of that Allowable Decline, your representative will be instructed to sell (redeem) all of your investment in the fund and to use the aggregate net proceeds from such sale to purchase shares of a money market fund specified by you. If the Increase Desired is never achieved, the Stop Loss remains in place. Your investment in the fund will NOT be sold unless the Stop Loss percentage or Allowable Decline percentage is exceeded.